Friday, August 15, 2008


My apologies to those that haven't heard from us recently--either via e-mail or phone. We've been adjusting to new schedules because I got a job! I'd been looking for about a month but hadn't found anything.

While I was waiting for things to happen on the job front, I decided to participate in a production that our church was doing called "Savior of the World". It was mainly for the teenage youth, but they had a full orchestra and needed some adults to fill in. So I got to play viola in the orchestra. The rehearsal schedule was pretty intense the week of the performances (Fri-Sat, Aug 1-2) and I realized how long it had been since I'd played on a regular basis. Especially after my left pinky cramped up and my fingertips felt like they had little cuts inside. The production was awesome, though I really didn't get to see much of it in the pit. Several of you were able to make it, but I should be getting a DVD copy if anyone still wants to see it.

So just as things started ramping up with rehersals, I got a phone call from a company indicating that they had my resume passed along to them and they wanted to interview me for a position that had opened up. I was a little worried that we would be able to coordinate schedules, but within 48 hours of that first phone call I had the interview and was offered the job. I obviously accepted and now am working at ThinkStreet. It's a much smaller company than my last venture--there's only about 12 employees here--but I'm excited about the opportunities to work on more media outlets and learn more things. Most of their media is for various state of Texas campaigns. Check out some of their work at

And as if that wasn't great, the kids were able to get back into the UT Child Development Center immediately. I've never known of a time that they didn't have a wait. I was amazed and very grateful for everything working out so well.

So if you are looking for me during the day here is my work contact info:
ph: 512.444.7900
Google chat: tfviola


Ashlee said...

Congrats! I know you had been worried about getting a job, I'm glad you didn't have to worry long! Good luck!

Anne said...

Thanks for keeping us posted! We are proud of your faith to make the choices you've made and applaud your hard work. Congrats!